Black River Falls, Wisconsin and Beyond…

Sheep and Peeps!

Highlights from Cain’s Orchard.

We spent the weekend near where I grew up, in Black River Falls, Wisconsin. The highlight was seeing my High School friends, Tammie, Barb, and Michelle. But darn it, I didn’t snap a photo because we were too busy talking and laughing. Other highlights included biking, berry picking, and funny animals at the Jackson County Fair. I love county fairs because they aren’t overwhelming in their scale and scope. I hated small-town life as a kid and couldn’t wait to move to the city. I still require city amenities, but our weekends in rural areas are as good as Valium. We have picnics, then sit in lawn chairs barefoot in the grass. Technicolor petunias bedazzle quiet streets. Ditch tigers roam. Cows are plentiful; cars are few. Follow my feet…

I left my book among the knick-knacks and such at our rental.

A proud farm girl let us pet her prize chicken at the fair. Growing up, I had pet chickens, too. They’d jump on my shoulder, and later, they’d create a cacophony at four am outside my bedroom window (That’s why I’m a city girl now).

This goat hammed for the camera. The pigs told me not to say that.

The scenery trumps the rough pavement on the Chippewa River Trail. We stopped to visit my parents at a nearby cemetery.

Click the chickens to visit Mosaic Monday. I’ll leave you with highlights of the fair from my husband’s i-phone. See you next week!

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Sharon Wagner is a supernatural writer, inexhaustible travel blogger, and illustrator of children’s books, including Maya Monkey. A creative from birth, she never stops dreaming of magical worlds to unravel with words. Her debut novel, The Levitation Game, launches this summer. When she’s not traveling the jungles of Central America, Sharon lives in Minneapolis with her husband and two cats.

Articles: 127


  1. I bet it was a nice recharge to get away from the city. Friends are more important to talk to than to take pictures of. (Don’t tell my brother I said that. He insists on a group photo every time a group of us gets together.)

  2. This could be my Story. Because I crow up in Munich. But I loved the holidays in the small town by my grandparents too. Nice to see you had fun with friends. Very funny captures of several animals too :)))

    A wonderful Post and I enjoyed it very much. Thank you for sharing and being part at MM.

    Greetings by Heidrun

  3. What a fun post, love the farm critters. The goat closeup is cute.
    Sorry I am late visiting and commenting. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great day and happy week ahead. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

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