Supernatural Author
Supernatural Author
Before Hurricane Ian

It's been thirteen days since Hurricane Ian decimated Fort Myers Beach, raging through Florida and beyond. Today, I'm posting thirteen favorite photos of the area taken during happier times.
The Old Mill Park Ruins

The Ramsey Mill was built on the Vermillion River in 1856. At one point, the output achieved 125 barrels a day. The Mill burned in 1894. The ruins stand as a reminder of Minnesota’s milling history. But these days, the ruins further reflect Minnesota’s graffiti art!
Hacienda Orosi Hot Springs

Calgon, take me away! I bet the Ad Executives behind that memorable commercial had Hacienda Orosi in mind when they created the old slogan.
Lupine is Divine

Last summer, we biked the Gitchi Gami trail along the North Shore of Minnesota. The lupine was powerfully purple, the views divine, and the hills and curves exhilarating. There’s a special spot where you can tie your bikes to an aging aspen tree and climb to the top of the basalt at split rock. Once there, I always splay my arms while surveying Lake Superior. But that’s optional. :)
Labor Day: 2022

The Elroy-Sparta State Trail is the first rails-to-trail bike path in the country. It’s not my favorite bike trail since that honor belongs to the Red Cedar Trail in Menomonie, Wisconsin. However, I may change my tune when I finally…
My First Day of School

I feel like this is my first day of school on planet Pleione, a sizzlingplanet from my novel, The Levitation Game. I’m not in Kansas anymore. WordPressis weird. I need to learn WordPress because my suitcase is packed, and I…