Costa Rica: Week 3

Capuchins and a cacophony of critters...

Day 15 and sunset on Dominicalito.

Next Monday, we’ll be back in the states. The sun will rise, but it won’t be accompanied by an owl that sounds like a whinnying horse, howler monkeys growling, soaring vultures, undulating waves, and capuchin monkeys scurrying around our rental. We learned that last year’s baby capuchin with only a half tail is thriving. Last year, his elders would wait on the edge of the treetops to ensure he completed his jumps. Capuchins are so smart.

Follow our feet…

Day 16 and a kiskadee atop an ancient petrosphere. More on those later…

Day 17 at Ventanas!

Day 18 at Whale’s Tale!

Day 19 and a Praying Mantis curled and ready to punch.

Day 20

Day 21. We enjoyed another successful year with sunset sails. Mahi and mayhem, old people style. Click to visit Mosaic Monday.

Stay tuned for our last week in Costa Rica! Then, of course, the rest of the story will unfold until we return in 2025. 🙂

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Sharon Wagner is a supernatural writer, inexhaustible travel blogger, and illustrator of children’s books, including Maya Monkey. A creative from birth, she never stops dreaming of magical worlds to unravel with words. Her debut novel, The Levitation Game, launches this summer. When she’s not traveling the jungles of Central America, Sharon lives in Minneapolis with her husband and two cats.

Articles: 127


  1. Beautiful photos. Costa Rica is a beautiful place to visit. I enjoyed your photos, cute Kiskadee and the flowers are lovely. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your day and the week ahead.

  2. Your Costa Rica trip looks very laid back compared to our recent birding trip there. We were up before sunrise every day looking at birds and kept going until the sun went down, mostly. It’s really a stunning country however you choose to enjoy it!
    best, mae at

  3. What a vibrant glimpse into your Costa Rican adventure! Your descriptions are so evocative, I can practically hear the whinnying owl and feel the warmth of the Pacific sunset on my skin. Are these clicked using your new camera and zoom lens? Excellent shots!

  4. What an awesome time and place, seems like a lot of fun, and love all the nature pics
    I visited you via image-in-ing: The beautiful basilica in Paray le Monial
    My links: 38+39. This is a personal invite to come and join us at #WordlessWednesday #Photography (words also welcome) Wednesday – Saturday. Link under BLOGGING

  5. Dear Sharon, today I finally took time for your Costa Rica posts. Lots of wonderful nature and wild animals and a nice cat encounter in the grocery store in Uvita. Sigh, these are wonderful views – and I’m so happy that the capuchin monkey is thriving! I fondly remember our own CR journey.
    All the best, Traude

  6. Coming home already? Well, at least it’ll be warm here when you arrive. We are having an unusually warm winter. Beautiful photos. That cave with the water running through is amazing!

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