Epic Ebike E-venture!

A post for the ebike epic-curious...

We rented ebikes in Moab, Utah, and sailed up and down the epic red rock trail from the river bottom to the top of the mesa—almost. My bike felt awkward and slow compared to my Rad back at home. I needed a rack torture device to stretch my arms to reach the handlebars. But what fun! It’s an easy trail (8-10 miles) and not too steep for old-fashioned bikes if you are so inclined. I stopped repeatedly to take photos and enjoy the view, and the trail ended at the dinosaur museum on the outskirts of town. Follow our wheels…

Big sky.

My helmet felt like a lead brick upon my head and my outfit makes me look like I found random clothes along the trail. But I’m brave enough today to reveal my inner geek!

Happy Labor Day! Happy Trails!


My Goodreads Giveaway was a success! 4, 271 people entered the contest and 3,924 readers marked The Levitation Game as want-to-read. Yay! Will the winners enjoy my book? Fingers crossed for fresh eyes, new sales and happy readers.

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Sharon Wagner is a supernatural writer, inexhaustible travel blogger, and illustrator of children’s books, including Maya Monkey. A creative from birth, she never stops dreaming of magical worlds to unravel with words. Her debut novel, The Levitation Game, launches this summer. When she’s not traveling the jungles of Central America, Sharon lives in Minneapolis with her husband and two cats.

Articles: 129


  1. Beautiful photos. That looks like a perfect bike trail (hopefully you don’t have to share the road with vehicles). There is a new company renting ebikes in the Joshua Tree area, but they are off to a slow start. The main road winding through the park is narrow with no shoulder and can be very busy.

  2. What a beautiful bike trail. I’ve always been curious about Ebikes. I’ve been debating getting one. Do you have to wear a helmet? I don’t know if I could stand wearing one.

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