Game On!

Hooray! My first printed ARC arrived in the mail. It’s game on for The Levitation Game.

Hooray! My first printed ARC arrived in the mail. It’s game on for The Levitation Game. I brought the advanced reader copy to Duluth, softly packed it into my bike’s cargo carrier, and we biked the Gitchi Gami trail on Minnesota’s North Shore, where lupine blossoms explode with more purple power than our beloved Prince. RIP.

This trip was the fourth time we parked our bikes on the GG and hiked to the summit overlooking Split Rock Lighthouse. It feels like you’re on the precipice of the earth up there, watching the cerulean lake from above. The stone beneath your feet is ancient and firm, but you’ll need the power of levitation if you misstep.

I knew the lofty view was the perfect place to reveal a physical copy of my book. Things just got real!

May the 4th be with you!

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Sharon Wagner is a supernatural writer, inexhaustible travel blogger, and illustrator of children’s books, including Maya Monkey. A creative from birth, she never stops dreaming of magical worlds to unravel with words. Her debut novel, The Levitation Game, launches this summer. When she’s not traveling the jungles of Central America, Sharon lives in Minneapolis with her husband and two cats.

Articles: 125


  1. Congratulations on getting your first printed ARC! That’s so exciting. It sounds like you had a perfect day to celebrate, with the beautiful scenery and the perfect location to reveal your book.

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