Sedona Rewind

Sedona, Spam, Rinse, and Repeat...

Spam comments descended onto this Sedona post like it was honeyed Velcro. Or, as the saying goes, like flies to s&%#! I duplicated and deleted it, and now I’m reposting it for posterity or until I need to delete it again because of stupid spammers. What do they hope to gain with their odd, broken spam speak? Often, they flatter you, only to suggest that your page isn’t loading correctly, and they can help from their Russian bunker that smells like farts and burnt coffee grounds. The comments are a jumbled, humorous misuse of language they must learn at spam school. Do they really think I get a lot of eyeballs in the comment section of old random posts?

Follow my feet again…

Like there are six degrees of Kevin Bacon, hikers are always six steps from a trail in Sedona, Arizona. Trails transcend energy portals; they loop, pivot, ascend, and cross sand and majestic red rocks. They inspire awe. They’re everywhere. Follow my feet…

Books are another kind of portal. Supernatural reading on The Broken Arrow Trail.

Sunset behind Chimney Rock. Stay tuned for Dino bones next week.

Cleantalk, my first spam filter, couldn’t tell the difference between fake and real comments. Does anyone have a recommendation for a better one?

Happy Independence Day!

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Sharon Wagner is a supernatural writer, inexhaustible travel blogger, and illustrator of children’s books, including Maya Monkey. A creative from birth, she never stops dreaming of magical worlds to unravel with words. Her debut novel, The Levitation Game, launches this summer. When she’s not traveling the jungles of Central America, Sharon lives in Minneapolis with her husband and two cats.

Articles: 127


  1. Beautiful scenes from Sedona. Love the Jay too. Gorgeous sunset capture!
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great week!

  2. Stunning views. I know some people moderate all comments. I tend to check mine daily and just delete the spam. Any of my posts over a week or so old, the comments have to be approved before they publish. Good luck finding a solution that works for you.

  3. First, I love the images of Sedona, AZ!

    Regarding the spamming, originally I set my WordPress settings -Comment author must have a previously approved comment. I always delete those spam comments. I like to reply to every comment on my posts. When reviewing my blog, I realized I missed a few. To remedy this, I then changed the setting to Comment must be manually approved. Plus I have it set to receive emails when a comment is waiting for approval.

    Hope this helps!
    Take care and best wishes.

  4. Such a gorgeous area. Very glad you did a re-post. Bummer about the spammers. I get a few, but not too many. For some reason, they seem to mostly go after just my older posts (which don’t get published until I approve). Then I just report them as spam.

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