Boothill cemetery is an actual graveyard, although the location of the gunslingers, thieves, murderers, and prostitutes who took a permanent dirt nap there is unknown. After 1884, many residents moved their loved ones to a new cemetery, leaving the unwanted alone. We toured the gravel heap with a brochure and paused to read the often humorous and politically incorrect epitaphs with a smile. Then we had a steak dinner and wandered the dusty streets and saloons.
Follow our boots…

It’s a lonely and barren place when there aren’t many tourists around.

The Levitation Game launches tomorrow!!! Now, you can order my book on Amazon. So, I changed the link. 🙂 Click on the blurb to visit my Amazon page. I had over 1,000 readers mark it as want-to-read on Goodreads after my giveaway, so cross your fingers and toes that they order it, too.

Plus, I posted my first mildly amusing YouTube video. Click the grainy image to view it and give it a like or two. It’s a fun take on the ubiquitous book reveal. (I had to try my hand at acting. Uff da).
Quirky place!
Thank you for sharing at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2023/10/a-few-more-clicks-from-cedar-creek.html
It looks like a fun place to visit although it’s a little dark humor.
Very unique cemetery!
Sad to read about Johnson though, shot by mistake!
I couldn’t help but chuckle at the epitaph you shared, “HERE LIES GEORGE JOHNSON HANGED BY MISTAKE 1982.” It’s a stark reminder of how justice could sometimes be a bit rough around the edges back then. Thank you for sharing your adventure in Boothill cemetery; it sounds like quite the experience!
Ghost towns are fascinating. That’s quite the cemetery.
The cemetery is on my bucket list. I didn’t know that the respectable people moved their loved ones to somewhere else. I love the tombstones.
Hanged by mistake. What a way to go!