Supernatural Author
Supernatural Author
Tucson: Week 2

We checked every box in Tucson.
Tucson: 2023

This week, we’re in Tucson, attempting to escape as much winter weather as possible. Look to day six to see how that worked out for us.
Guatemala: Literary Inspiration

A dream about levitation inspired me to write The Levitation Game. But Guatemala inspired the setting.
Duluth: Fall 2022

Leftover Duluth, Minnesota photos seem like humble scraps after a month of glorious Costa Rica highlights.
Cloudy with a Chance of Cicada Pee or Manuel Antonio: Week 4

Cloudy with a chance of cicada pee. Scarlet macaw traffic jam: squawking deafens unlucky tourist. A monstrous tide pool consumes a popular beach. These were last week’s headlines!
Dominical: Week 3

Paradise fail—one day of tummy turmoil.
Paradise win—the rest of the days were full of fun and sun!
Dominical: Week 2

Paradise fail; we ran over an iguana.
Costa Rica: 2023

“I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.” -Jimmy Dean
Wild Osa

In other news, cancelation chaos. Angry gringos. Nuff said.
Even so, we’ve arrived! Costa Rica 2023 is underway.
Crooked Tree Town

"If one cannot catch a bird of paradise, better take a wet hen." Nikita Khrushchev