Costa Rica: 2025

The fun has begun...

Day 5

Glory be!

Day 6

A Chestnut Mandibled Toucan.

Day 7

Busy bees on our patio.

Day 8

We throw our scraps to the local agouti.

Day 9

Day 10

Day 11

We’re well underway in CR now. Fun has begun. Highlights include the goose-like horn call of a Great curassow in the morning, young howler monkeys threading through the treetops at pool time, and the siren call of the surf. Quiet moments include Isabel Allende’s book The Kingdom of the Golden Dragon, and loud moments drum with the throbbing beat of a cicada-like pest.

Ants bite our bodies incessantly, but the exotic call of birds constantly caress our ears. The papaya is sweet, and the mango-ginger rum drinks are satisfying. My feet hurt like hell and my tennis elbow is annoying, but I forget everything when a pair of scarlet macaws fly overhead. See you next week!

My latest Goodreads giveaway is in full swing until February 2nd. Over 3,000 people have signed up so far. 🙂

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Sharon Wagner is a supernatural writer, inexhaustible travel blogger, and illustrator of children’s books, including Maya Monkey. A creative from birth, she never stops dreaming of magical worlds to unravel with words. Her debut novel, The Levitation Game, launches this summer. When she’s not traveling the jungles of Central America, Sharon lives in Minneapolis with her husband and two cats.

Articles: 129


  1. Hello,
    I would like to leave this cold winter and spend time in Costa Rica too.
    Beautiful sky shot, great sighting of the Toucan and the Pelicans.
    The critter is strange looking. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post.
    Take care, enjoy your day and have a great week ahead.

  2. Great pictures – Im in the process of planning a trip to CR. Now I even more keen!
    Cheers – Stewart M – Melbourne

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