I once roamed the El Remante Cemetery in Guatemala and communed with the dead. They showed me a rainbow. 😊
Happy Halloween!

Supernatural Author
Supernatural Author
The dead are tucked away, behind a few cabana rentals, beside a tiny dirt path, hidden on the edge of the jungle.
That is the most colorful, and beautiful cemetery I’ve ever seen!
…this cemetery is so different from the ones that I visit.
That is an unusual cemetery, I’ve never seen one like that before. It’s very colourful.
Very pretty flowers. Definitely takes the creepy of the dead away.
Such beautiful colors, and no, they can’t be as scary being so bright like that! So many U.S. cities are so drab in comparison to other places. Cars too. Drab. I went to Puerto Rico, and the houses were bright and colorful and so happy looking. The photo with the writing reminds me of the shrine to Mary at the fisherman’s beach there.
I love cemeteries. I find them very peaceful. I love the one you are showing us.
What an interesting cemetery – it is so bright and colorful!!
I have wondered around cemeteries, this one is very unusual. The flowers are pretty and colorful.
I love the Mot-Mot, it reminds me of the Blue Jay. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post.
I appreciate the comment too. Take care, have great day and happy week ahead.
Very colourful cemetery. Recollected a childhood spelling challenge – “Outside a cemetery, sat a harassed cobbler and an embarrassed oculist, picnicking on a desiccated apple and gazing at the symmetry of a lady’s ankle with unparalleled ecstasy. “
This really is a very special cemetery, with so many colorful flowers.
Greetings Irma
Interesting post, Sharon. In Italy, we found most are buried above ground in cement crypts, much like in New Orleans. There seems to be an aversion to being below ground. The graves are always well tended with many mementos and flowers. My husband and I volunteered for many years in an old historic cemetery in Brooklyn called Green-Wood Cemetery where historic tours and events took place. I have lots of old blog posts about it, So many famous people were buried there.
Hello Sharon :=)
Thank you for finding me.:=) I had great difficulty in posting my link, but it may have worked this time. This cemetery is the most colourful one I have ever seen. The flowers both real and made, brighten up this wonderful jungle space until it looks like a celebration. The Mot-Mot is a beautiful bird. The blue colour is stunning to look at.
All the best