Flovember: Week 2

Week two is still warm. It’s sticky, melty, and bright. I think it is just right!

Day 10

Week two is still warm. It’s sticky, melty, and bright. I think it is just right! The usual suspects were investigated, except for one unusual and surly character. I walked the same path, except I’m walking on crunchy shells instead of undulating surf. Unfortunately, the gulf has dubious water quality from Hurricane Ian, so I stay dry.

Hurricane Nicole passed by. The east coast got sucker punched, while the southwest coast is still reeling from Ian. The brunt of Hurricane Ian hit north of Marco, but there is a large piece of jagged roofing on one end of Tigertail beach and an upside-down boat on the other. Beauty lies in the middle. Follow my feet…

Day 11
Day 12. We have a burrowing owl nest! He looks surly.
Day 13. A Phallic Norfolk Pine. Hurricane Nicole breezed by, only producing clouds, weak rain, and mild wind on Marco.
Day 14
Day 15
Day 16. More fog at Ten Thousand Islands.

Stay tuned!

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Sharon Wagner is a supernatural writer, inexhaustible travel blogger, and illustrator of children’s books, including Maya Monkey. A creative from birth, she never stops dreaming of magical worlds to unravel with words. Her debut novel, The Levitation Game, launches this summer. When she’s not traveling the jungles of Central America, Sharon lives in Minneapolis with her husband and two cats.

Articles: 127


  1. I’m so happy the hurricane just passed on by. Your photos are beautiful. I love the ones with the shells. I love Florida!

  2. Hello,
    The storm damage from both Ian and Nicole looks and sounds terrible. I have seen lots of images on the news. The Burrowing Owl is so cute, great news they have a nearby nest. The shells are so pretty, love the cute little crab too. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great new week!

  3. Oh boy what an interesting beginning image. It certainly proves that the world is round. Amazing sky image! Variety is the spice of life. You certainly presented a variety…..owl, sea shell, weather-fog, Norfolk Pine, etc. Be safe.

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