I’d rather forget the congealed and pressed turkey loaf and sad fixings I had at a Cape Coral restaurant on Thanksgiving Day. I wouldn’t feed that gruel to my dog. Well, maybe the Saint Bernard that took a chunk out of my forehead when I was a kid, requiring stitches.
But I do fondly remember seven highlights from the past week:
- I finally walked barefoot in the open surf and didn’t contract a flesh-eating virus. After Hurricane Ian, it was a real threat, as the coastal waters were teaming with bacteria. Now, what lies beneath? Red Tide.
- I found seashells along the seashore. 😊
- I enjoyed wisdom and relaxation with my Calm app. Sigh.
- I communed with intoxicating spirits. (alcohol)
- I soaked in a glorious sunset or several.
- After Thanksgiving, the pool wasn’t overcrowded with giggling revelers. Unfortunately, the local potheads downstairs are still toking daily, and it often smells like a skunk in my rental without any of the fun.
- I don’t have to leave yet!

Stay tuned! There’s one more week…

Pools are nice when you have them to yourself. Sorry your Thanksgiving meal wasn’t all you wanted it to be.
Like the humour in your storytelling. Beautiful pics, especially the sunset. Hope the coming week will be less skunky.
You were humor will serve you well!
Beautiful photos Sharon. The Turkey does not sound good. I love your sunset image.
Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your day and week ahead. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.
Thanksgiving dinner might have been a bust for you but you found a lot of stuff worth finding.
Tires are everywhere it seems. No matter how far back in the boonies I go here in Oklahoma I’ll find tires. Whattup with that.
Last year on our beach condo rental we were surrounded by pot smokers. Even though it was breezy and outside that smell seems to stick around.
Sorry to hear about the crummy Thanksgiving food, but that’s an awesome silhouette sunet photo. I guess it all evens out!
You make me laugh. It is way easier to commune with those spirits in Cape Coral than it is to find a good meal (any day of the year). We don’t live in this area because of the food! (Well, not just because of those spirits either although right now they might help — so far this time we haven’t even ventured further into Cape Coral than the Home Depot on Bayshore Drive. Busy here in North Fort Myers repairing and restoring. (But it’s all doable, so we’re luckier than many.)
Ugh, your Thanksgiving meal sounded awful, I’m sorry. Glad you got to walk on the beach finally!
Terrific silhouettes againstk that sunset, one of my favorite scenes.
Thank you Kathy! I’m replying here because there isn’t a blog link. I love shadows and silhouettes too. 🙂
Silhouettes are fantastic. I got a kick out of that black bird talking to you or its mate hiding somewhere else.