Minnesota Memories: Part 3

My celebration of Minnesota ended just when we discovered a new highlight: the Mississippi River Greenway, a soon-to-be-finished 27-mile bike and recreation trail.

My celebration of Minnesota ended just when we discovered a new highlight: the Mississippi River Greenway, a soon-to-be-finished 27-mile bike and recreation trail. I’m often a walker (and not the kind from The Walking Dead) of recreational trails. However, when I’m a biker, groups of distracted walkers conversing on a path mainly designated for bikers can be dangerous. The walkers ply the track like a swarm of gnats, never noticing the bikes blasting downhill behind them. Hmmm. I guess it’s no weirder than the divide between Trumpers and Democrats. Still, it’s weird.

Typical walking group mentality: “What’s that high-pitched squeaking sound looming behind us on this bike trail? Let’s spread out. We’re safer if we seem bigger because it’s probably a bear being castrated.”

Me: “It’s my brakes, you idiots.”

Anyhoo, this injustice just won’t do. But please enjoy today’s Minnesota view!

P.S. I’m sending my next author newsletter next Monday and I have big news. Plus, I still have many free Conspiracy Theory board games to give away. So please sign up!

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Sharon Wagner is a supernatural writer, inexhaustible travel blogger, and illustrator of children’s books, including Maya Monkey. A creative from birth, she never stops dreaming of magical worlds to unravel with words. Her debut novel, The Levitation Game, launches this summer. When she’s not traveling the jungles of Central America, Sharon lives in Minneapolis with her husband and two cats.

Articles: 130


  1. Wonderful collection of photos. I love the Kestrel, the flowers are beautiful.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post.
    Take care, enjoy your day and the week ahead!

  2. How neat that you found the greenway and saw such beauty. I walk on the greenway here in Florida for most of my hikes and ‘share the road’. I hug the edge of the trail and I know the bikes appreciate that and they say passing on the left which helps me. A lot of them stop and talk too which has made it even nicer. We share sightings! Enjoy your week!

  3. As I walker, I have the opposite experience. It’s a constant listening for the bikes whizzing by, and it doesn’t matter what side you’re on, the bikes will choose that side to do their whizzing. So, we stick to the dirt, but that’s not ideal either.

  4. It is pleasant to walk someplace where one is free of bicycles and scooters and unicycles and skateboards and all the other zippy new inventions that like to whiz closely to children, pets, and seniors

  5. It is pleasant to walk someplace where one is free of bicycles and scooters and unicycles and skateboards and all the other zippy new inventions that like to whiz closely to children, pets, and seniors

  6. Absolute brilliance of the idea to have walkers and bikers share the same trail. I mean, why bother with separate paths when we can create a chaotic mishmash of frustration and potential accidents, right?
    Lovely shots, I especially like the fisheye lens shot.

  7. Beautiful views of Minnesota–especially that autumn scene! I’m awaiting your book–should arrive soon I believe it said by the end of June. Looking forward to your new news!

  8. Oh that new bike and recreational trail sounds great if both walkers and bikers both learn to share the path respectfully. Your photos are stunning, especially the blue Jay! I have recently found the delights of electric bikes and would love to explore Minnesota have seen how lovely it is.
    Wren x

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