The Old Mill Park Ruins

The Ramsey Mill was built on the Vermillion River in 1856. At one point, the output achieved 125 barrels a day. The Mill burned in 1894. The ruins stand as a reminder of Minnesota’s milling history. But these days, the ruins further reflect Minnesota’s graffiti art!

The Ramsey Mill was built on the Vermillion River in 1856. At one point, the output achieved 125 barrels of flour a day. The Mill burned in 1894. The ruins stand as a reminder of Minnesota’s milling history. But these days, the ruins further reflect Minnesota’s graffiti art!

Follow my feet…

Crumbling color, criminal vandalism, but still beautiful to me. The ruins are a daytrip away from Minneapolis in Hastings, Minnesota.

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Sharon Wagner is a supernatural writer, inexhaustible travel blogger, and illustrator of children’s books, including Maya Monkey. A creative from birth, she never stops dreaming of magical worlds to unravel with words. Her debut novel, The Levitation Game, launches this summer. When she’s not traveling the jungles of Central America, Sharon lives in Minneapolis with her husband and two cats.

Articles: 130


  1. Shiju said it well, “ruining the ruins” … and I agree that the photos are interesting but also shocking. When in Italy I recall graffiti dangerously near the world’s most wondrous works of art. When careless and destructive, this is a frightening trend.

  2. Sharon – I struggle with graffiti. It is a form of art, but in the “wrong place”, it is wrong. I think a historic building is a wrong place. I am curious – you mentioned 125 barrels a day – 125 barrels of what?

    Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday so regularly – I love your photography and admire the “jungle” places you visit. I hope to continue to be inspired by your posts!

    • I don’t know! Information is slim on the site. But I’m assuming flour or grain of some kind. I hope you’ll subscribe to my newsletter to stay in the loop. Cheers! Safe travels and happy trails. 😊

    • I’ve heard of a few places like this which have become a canvas for graffiti. One is called “concrete city” in Pennsylvania and there is “rainbow falls” in Manitou Spring, Colorado. I guess they hopefully save other areas nearby ftom being marred.

  3. It is very wrong of people to vandalise and property. On the surface your photos may have made the graffiti acceptable to some, but not me. I say “get a life you wierdos”

  4. We like to to travel in our own backyard and I’m glad you do too. (But when I see other people’s interesting backyards — like this one — I want to visit them too.) The ruins look like something from Europe instead of how I think of Minnesota! (Really do wish we’d spent more time in your home when we were RVing around the country)

  5. Wow. I didn’t know what to focus on: the architecture, which seems dangerous for kids to be hanging about at, or the graffiti, which was fascinating. Great post.

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